Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Cultural Conflicts

Muslim vs. Hindu cultural conflict URL:

Ukraine vs. Russia cultural conflict URL:

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

T&R on Location, Location, Location...

Trevor Jones, Period 7                                            8/26/14
Thoughts and Reflections on Location, Location, Location...
Source: Sharon Begley

                                                      T&R on Location, Location, Location...

Geography is key to the development of history because if you are not located in a good geographical spot, you cannot harvest crops or raise livestock. Every major civilization that ever prospered had a good geographical location. Think about it, if your city didn't have some sort of wetlands/ river area, you couldn't grow crops, your couldn't raise livestock, and you couldn't build a civilization without a source of water. Living in a location with good geography is also important for wars and advancement. Having fertile lands means you have citizens with better health resulting in more able bodies men to produce food, trade, and necessities for the common family. You would also have more time to work on technological advancement and less problems to worry about.