Monday, November 17, 2014

Chinese Philosophers

Buddhism (Buddha) 
1. Earrings and long earlobes to show renounce ment of all possessions 
2. Topknot to represent extension of brain 
3. Short curly hair represents getting rid of all vanity
4. Lotus roses represent purity and beauity beauty 
5. Hand position represent meditation 
6. Slim fingers represent ability to survive on little resources (food) 
7. Smile represents a gentile figure 

Confucianism (Confucius) 
1. Hands and posture represent him teaching (teaching posture) 
2. Sorrow expression represents his thoughts of his failure 
3. Humble form represents his gentlemanly conduct 

Daoism (Lao-Tzu) 
1. Coat fades away at the bottom which represents no end (no means of creation/distraction) 
2. White and black colors to represent ying and yang (heaven and earth) 
3. Shown as a gentile elderly man to represent purity 

Legalism (Han fei-tzu) 
1. Inquisitive/pondering looks to symbolize his level of education 
2. Has a harsh tone in his facial features showing his enforcement of his law code and keeping people discipline 

1. A religion is a belief in a supernatural being in power while a philosophy is a study of fundamental existence. These two are somewhat similar but religion requires a higher level of devotion of oneself while a philosophy is more of a personal devotion, or hobby in a way. 

2. I would say Daoism is the only true religion out of these four practices: Buddhism, Confucanism, Legalism, and Daoism. I make this conclusion based off of our most recent reading, The Indifference of Confucius, which said that Daoism was used to fill in the gaps that the philosophy Confucanism left, in the form of a religion. The other three philosophies do not revolve around a deity or any higher being and are more of social practices by which one or ones family chooses to live by.  

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