Thursday, February 5, 2015

T&R on The Two Thousand Year's War

Trevor Jones                                    2/5/15
Thoughts and Reflection on "The Two Thousand Year's War"                                                    
Source: Walter Karp 

The Similarities Between Two Ideological Wars

The Cold War was an ideological conflict between the two greatest superpowers of the time, the USSR and the U.S. The Cold War and the Peloponnesian War were very similar to each other for multiple reasons, some include: similar conflicts (ideological), similar political causes, fighting going on between each super power's allies AKA proxy. wars, as well as paranoia fueling the war. If the Americans and Russians fighting in the Cold War had read The History of the Peloponnesian War, then they could have learned that an ideological conflict between two world super powers only leads to paranoia and also that each country is not invincible. This is one of the main reasons that History is recorded, of course to document things that have happened in the past, but also reminding us of mistakes that people in the past have made so we do not have to "recreate the wheel", as the expression goes. It's important for us not to make these same mistakes because all that comes out of them is destruction and nothing that comes out is ever positive. 

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