Monday, October 26, 2015

Comic Procedure and Information

1. Scenario: Employment Migration (Legal) 

2. Story: Maria's story (Lourdes Gonzales’ story)

3/4. Outline/Essential details:
- Started to think about moving for better job opportunities 
- Father lost job and idea to move to the US for better employment opportunities-acted as a pull factor
- Contacted friend about move to Colorado from Peru 
- Mother applied for work visa instead of father because it is easier to get a work visa for being a Spanish teacher 
- Government called mother to come for a week for an interview for work at schools 
- Got the job at the school 
- After one week, mother comes back and whole family moves in 2005 
- Living in the united states with a work visa (renew every 3 years)
- After 7 years, family receives a green card 
- Cyclic movement (When Maria's mother came to the U.S. for a week, then returned to Peru) 
- Periodic movement (When Maria's father came to America for a year, then moved back to Peru for work a year later) 
- International migration (When Maria's family moved across borders from Peru to U.S.) 
- Voluntary migration (Maria's family moved because of better economic opportunities in America) 
- Pull factors (The pull factor of better job opportunities brought the family to America) 
- Chain migration (Friends of the family in Colorado that migrated earlier influenced the destination of the family's move to Colorado) 

5. List of images:
- women filling out paperwork 
- airport/ plane/ suitcase picture 
- women in interviews 
- elementary school pictures 
- women on phone call picture 
- family moving out 
- family on plane 
- family moving in 
- waiting pictures? idk to show like time we waited for the green card 
- a work visa 
- green card picture 

7. Script: 
1st Panel (introduction): "In 2004, there was a family living in Peru, Maria's family… All born and raised in the city of Lima, Peru..." 
2nd Panel: Picture of two people talking "The parents started looking at the option of moving to the USA in a year". Dialogue (Father): "Why don't we move to America?"
3rd Panel: Picture of mother on phone "Maria's mother, Lourdes, knew of friends who went through the same process of migrating to America and decided to give them a call." Dialogue (Mother): "Do you miss your family?" "How is everything going in Colorado?" "What is it like working there?"
4th Panel: Picture of father losing job "It so happens that a little while later Maria's father, Gonzalo, lost his job. This later became a push factor to migrate" "Although this was unfortunate this was exactly the kind of push the family needed to migrate, also known as a pull factor" 
5th Panel: Picture of a plane taking off "After thinking about the push and pull factors, Maria's mother decided to fly out to the USA for a week..." 
6th Panel: Picture of interview with mother "During the week, Lourdes attended many interviews for a teaching position in Spanish". Dialogue (interviewer): "So tell me about your teaching experience"
7th Panel: Picture of Denver to Lima "At the end of the week, Lourdes return home. This short trip was an example of cyclic movement" 
8th Panel: Picture of mother on phone "When Lourdes came home, they were planning to move in a year. The job called her back sooner than expected…". Dialogue (interviewer): "You got the job!" (Mother): "Wow, so soon...?" 
9th Panel: Picture of family packing boxes "As soon as they heard the news, the family packed up, said goodbye to family and friends, and moved away."
10th Panel: Picture of parents waving goodbye 
11th Panel: Picture of family waiting in the airport 
12th Panel: Picture of mother's work visa "Since Lourdes got offered a job, the family, first stayed legally in the USA with a work visa."
13th Panel: Picture of kids with father "Since the family was there a legally under the work visa of the mother,Lourdes, the father can work until the family received a green card." "For this reason, Maria's dad, Gonzalo, after living a full year in Colorado, thought it was better to return to Peru because it was hard on him and the family to not be able to work"
14th Panel: Picture of two people holding hands "Even though at times Lourdes thought it difficult to stay, especially as a single mother in America, she knew it was for the better of her children." 
15th Panel: Picture saying time to renew "For three years, the family had to renew the work visa every year, and after those three years, they renewed the visas once more.
16th Panel: Picture of people waiting in a long line "Finally after being in the process of renewing in waiting for six years, the family enter the process and got the green card."
17th Panel: Picture of mother's green card 
18th Panel: Picture of an American passport "Currently a family has to wait less than three years to be able to apply for American Citizenship" 
19th Panel: "When people migrate to different places, it can be for many different reasons. There can be many different push or pull factors. In Maria’s family’s case there was the push factor of her father losing his job. This also created a pull factor for the family come to the United States because they thought that there might be better job opportunities. Although there was a push factor, the migration of Maria’s family was an example of voluntary migration. When Maria’s mother came to the United States to interview for jobs, it was an example of cyclical movement because she came for a short period of time and then returned to Peru. When the family moved from Peru to the United States, it was an example of International migration. Once the family moved to the United States, Maria’s father only stayed for a year. Her father’s migration was an example of periodic movement. When people migrate to different places, there is usually a very large culture shock, which can be very hard, but usually when families or individuals migrate, it is for a good reason that benefits outweigh the negatives."
20th Panel (Conclusion): Pictures of Peru and Colorado Flag "“Although it was a hard and long process, looking back on it now, moving to america was worth it. I was always happy with my decision but it was hard to adapt to the new culture, and especially the language. There was definitely big culture shock. I can admit that there were moments when I wanted to go back and live close to family but i always remembered why we moved in the first place. And the main reason was to give my children better futures.” - Lourdes Gonzales"

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