Friday, September 9, 2016

Virginia Linkage Activity

Trevor Jones
Per 8

Virginia Linkage

           Virginia during times of colonization was incredibly linked to slavery/servitude and the cultivation of tobacco. Tobacco became the core of Virginia's history at the time, acting as not only the major money-maker, but also as the settlement's currency. This pressured land owners to find helping hands for the cultivation process, turning to the enslavement of negros and indentured servitude. Indentured servitude was a way to gain passage to america under the condition that the individual must for for a certain amount of time to gain land ownership. Poor treatment of slaves and indentured servants lead to Bacon's Rebellion of 1676, an interracial rebellion composed of 500 slaves/servants fed up of these poor working conditions. This rebellion ultimately ended in failure for the slaves/servants but caused fear by the landowners for years to come. 

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