Wednesday, September 3, 2014

T&R on Big Question #3

Trevor Jones, Period 7                                                          9/3/14
Thoughts and Reflections on Big Question #3
Source: This Fleeting Worlds (Pgs 9-16)

What Was Man Doing for 99% of History? Why Was He Doing This Instead of Something Else?

Before man settled down and built civilizations, we were busy hunting and gathering our next meal. For 99% of human history, we were foragers, constantly on the move with the small amount of possessions we can carry. Man most likely did this because by doing this, he got all the necessities he needs to live. Man could forage water, food, find shelter, and defend himself with extra time to relax and enjoy life. Until we had a way of communicating with other foragers, we would never have the need to settle down in one place. Now that we could communicate to other foragers, it lead to many more opportunities in getting more accomplished quicker and more enjoyment.

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