Monday, September 22, 2014

T&R on Pig Lovers and Pig Haters

Trevor Jones        9/22/14
Thoughts & Reflections on Pig Lovers & Pig Haters
Source: Marvin Harris 

What are four explanations as to why pork is not eaten in the Middle East? What is the real reason pork is not eaten in the Middle East? How is this an environmental issue?

There are several reasons as to why pork is not eaten in the Middle East. The first reason is that pigs are dirty and can cause disease. Some do not think that this is true because many other animals eaten in the Middle East can cause health problems due to their cleanliness. The second reason is the difficulty of raising them. Pigs like to live in a cool and shady habitat where they can keep their body cool. It is proven that adult pigs can die in direct sunlight and temperatures over 98 degrees so the Jordan Vally is not the ideal place to raise pigs. Thirdly, pigs were sacred and were once totemic symbols of various tribal clans. At first,the reasons for not eating them was many were originally divine, but was no help because other animals worshiped in the Middle East (such as cows and sheep) were still domesticated for their meat. The final reason as to why pork was not eaten in the Middle East was the temptation for more. Since pork was already incredibly hard to produce, and was a luxury to have even a little, people decided it wasn't worth it to have the temptation and "interdicted the consumption of pork entirely".

All this being said, the real reason that people didn't eat pork in the Middle East was the pigs inconvenience. Pigs are slaughtered only for the use of their meat, not for any secondhand products or uses. The only things pigs were good for was luxury. It was already a hassle raising and slaughtering a pig for its meat, but on top of that it cant produce any wool, milk, cheese or any secondhand product. This also forced people to compete with pigs, because pigs eat berries, grains and nuts like humans would, we have to compete with them for food and all we get from them is a determined amount of meat. This is an environmental issue because they can't give back to the environment, they take in large amounts of our food, and we get a determined amount of meat in return and nothing else.    

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