Wednesday, October 15, 2014

T&R on A Light that Did Not Fail

Trevor Jones 15/14
T&R on Ancient Mesopotamia: A Light that Did Not Fail
Source: E. A. Speiser

T&R on A Light that Did Not Fail

The reason that Mesopotamia was so ethnically diverse than other civilizations is because of the diverse cultures and ideas that flowed into Mesopotamia with its many rulers. Since other civilizations conquered Mesopotamia, their civilizations ideas and cultures mixed with Mesopotamia's cultural values and beliefs which lead to a somewhat mutated-ethnically diverse culture. Some of Mesopotamia's basic features and cultural values changed from ruler to the next ruler and some ideas remained the same throughout history. Since the Sumerians created the first writing system and later an alphabet, Mesopotamia's used that as a means of communication for millennia to come, and was modified over time based on efficiency and usage. Other aspects such as metallurgy or law code evolved with the times and evolved to fit the peoples needs. One aspect of Mesopotamian justice that is very unlike other civilizations of its time is its equality between people of different status. Even though the king is of a much higher status than the rest of the people, he still much respect and honor his people wishes and ideas. The reason that Mesopotamia's built their cities over and over in the same place was because of their location. The land in the Fertile Crescent is very rich and is perfect for farming and supporting life. Also, the people believed that the gods were displeased at abandoned temples, so that made the Mesopotamia's more sedentary to one location. 

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