Thursday, January 15, 2015

T&R on The Funeral Oration

Trevor Jones                                    1/16/15
Thoughts and Reflection on "The Funeral Oration"                                                    
Source: Thucudidies  

The Aspects that Made Athens the Greatest Grecian City-State

Athens was a great and powerful city-state, one like no other. They had several core beliefs as well as a unique style of government that lead to their success. It was not just a few things that made Athens great though, it took everybody working together and following the same things that really let Athens to its success. First of all, Athens was unique in their style of government, and was unlike any one of their neighboring states. Athens style of Democracy gave them social structure which allowed them to make decisions as a community, rather than the decision of one man and his council. Second, Athenians did not treat anyone unjustly because of their place in society, they instead judged people based off of what they can return to society. Athenians judged people on their individual skills and merit, and did not discriminate on people such as the poor. Third, Athens did not get into fights with their neighbors for no reason. They respected their neighboring states and did not bother them for the sake of bothering. Fourth, Athens did not close its gates to the world, instead Athens embraced people of all sorts because they had no secrets to keep. This wasn't because they rely on weapons to keep people at bay, but because they rely on their own courage and loyalty of the people that live there. 
The fifth reason is the Athenian people are free to make their own decisions. Unlike the Spartans who are forced into training to become a warrior, the Athenians can choose how they contribute to the society, and face danger when it is thrown at them, rather that preparing for it their entire life. Sixth, the Athenians are very humble and modest people and do not boast about their achievements. Also, the Athenian people do not focus on themselves, instead, they give back to and support their community. Seventh, rather than hastily attacking the enemy, Athens does not rush into action and takes time to strategize. Athenians know how to weigh their possible consequences and estimate their risks beforehand. Eight, Athens does not rely on their allies for success or assist, but they do keep a strong relationship with them. Athens makes reliable friendships with other neighboring states by doing good to others rather than receiving good from them. This concludes the reasons on why Athens was so great, but truthfully, the courageous men who fought for their community with a sense of pride, ultimately provide the backbone of Athens. Because in the words of Pericles, for men to end their lives with honor, and for you to honorably lament them: their life was set to a measure, where death and happiness went hand in hand.  


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