Tuesday, January 13, 2015

T&R on The History of the Peloponnesian War

Trevor Jones                                    1/12/15
Thoughts and Reflection on "History of the Peloponnesian War"                                                    
Source: Unknown 

The Story Behind Thucudidies and the History of The Peloponnesian War     

Thucudidies believed that people believed anything that they read more or less. Instead of searching for true facts of ancient stories, they would instead be inclined to accept the first story they heard as true. Instead of Thucudidies doing this himself, he presented himself with multiple eye witness facts and versions of the same story until he came to a conclusion of what actually happened. Thucudidies wrote this history not for people that wanted a romantic story, but for people that wanted to know the facts of the Peloponnesian War. He didn't just write his works to be done for the immediate public, but rather to be a long lasting record for future generations to come. 


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