Monday, February 1, 2016

Research Blog Post #2: The Bridge at the Edge of the World - James Gustav Speth - Pages 260-559 - Chapter 1-Looking into the Abyss

As we look into the abyss that out species had dug for ourselves, we must confront the truth of our current poor environmental trends and conditions and realize that the road to sustainability was the road not taken. Today, we face local and global environmental challenges, local consisting of low threat challenges that can be solved, and global consisting of high threat problems that we seem to be stuck in. The eight most threatening global environmental challenges consist of climate disruption, losing the forests, losing the land, losing freshwater, losing marine fisheries, toxic pollutants,losing biodiversity, and over-fertilizing with nitrogen. Of this list, climate change is currently the most threatening and most difficult to solve, however there are many solutions to these problems that have been devise over the years, the only problem is no action ever occurs to progress these solutions, dwindling away time that we already lost decades ago. 

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