Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Research Blog Post #4: The Bridge at the Edge of the World - James Gustav Speth - Pages 776-986 - Chapter 3: The Limits of Today’s Environmentalism

Today’s environmentalism is an even balance of environmental statements and environmental regulations of good subsidies enacted by congress to balance bad ones. Despite environmentalist’s actions to promote environmentalism, they are often not funded well enough to cope with the magnitude of the problems that they are trying to deal with, giving them the tendency to deal with effects rather than underlying causes by addressing the environmental ills rather than what caused them. However, the blame cannot be held exclusively by the environmentalists, larger countries governments are also at fault, due to their inability to deal with the problems or even give organizations created to deal with the issues, proper funding. As we worry about short term solutions to environmental problems, other Environmental issues are growing increasingly complex, as well as a problem regarding regulatory slippage in environmental protection agencies, which can lead to quick fixes that often do not solve the problem. Working with the current capitalistic system to carry out environmental action will not succeed, instead the system itself must change. 

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